Welcome to the gritty inside truth to running your Main Street Business! Learn what it takes to start, run, scale, protect, and yes make a profit in your business from one of the leading experts in business today. Charles Musgrove has guided countless Main Street Entrepreneurs through the pitfalls of running a profitable business. Now he shares this business insight through Answers That Count. Through his unique life experiences and entertaining interviews, you will discover the answers to the questions you have been asking!

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Shocking Economic Q4 Numbers
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
#inflation #economics #trouble
Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/-1U7bYFZAGU
Inflation still rampant, along with lower than predicted employment numbers, doesn’t bode well for Q4

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Neuroscience Secrets in the Consumer Experience
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Dr. Melissa Hughes is back with nuggets about how the brain works and how the knowledge can help with marketing, negotiations and just everyday communications.
Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/iBFzXZ1aiuo
Why do we like what we like? Does numeric content impact decisions? These and many other neuroscience information that is beneficial for marketing and deal making. Check out this Podcast with Dr. Melissa Hughes. Charles: Hello and welcome back, everyone, to the Answers That Count Podcast. I’m your host, Charles, Musgrove, and thank you so much for joining us for another exciting show that I am really pumped up about this show. We have a returning guest to the show. Dr. Melissa Hughes is back today, but before we get started I wanted to ask you to do one thing. Hit the “subscribe” button. Also hit the “like” button and the notification bell, so that you’ll be notified when we post new videos to our podcast. Welcome back, Dr. Melissa Hughes. This is great. This neuroscience geek, extraordinary Dr. Melissa Hughes. Thank you so much for joining. This is going to be so cool. You know, I was at a Florida Restaurant Lodging Association conference recently and you were a double speaker there. You had two sessions and I know both those sessions were well-attended, and not only were they well-attended, the feedback you’re getting on one of those sessions, from what I hear, has just been remarkable, so a lot of interest. You know how to deliver a great message and people are always interested in learning about how the brain works, and we’re going to have another great conversation today about it. Melissa: It is so good to be here. It was great to see you at FRLA. It’s one of my favorite events of the year and you’re right, that session was amazing. First of all, it was packed and, I believe, most of us really want to know how the brain works and how to make it work better. Not everybody likes to dig into the research the way I do because I’m a little bit geeky that way and I, admittedly, I own that, but, I think, most of us want to know what we can do to make this three pound squishy mass between our ears - Charles: We do. I mean, it is just so cool to hear this and when you hear some of your tips and tricks and your brain hacks, it just - you think, “Wow, I get it. That makes sense. Now I understand why I think like I think.” I also want to give a shout-out. You were on TedTalks recently too and I think you said that was back in April and you’re getting a lot of good mentions on that. That’s getting a lot of good kickbacks around the internet, so congratulations on that.

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Why is GDP and Inflation 2X “Normal”?
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
#inflation #GDP #economy
Professor Joe breaks down the complicated numbers and technical jargon to give us plain speak economic news. Check out the video version here https://youtu.be/IpiH7nsUOQ4.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
What‘s Happening in Economic See Saw? Update from FSU Professor Joe Calhoun
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
#finance #inflation #interestrates
Professor Joe provides an update on what is going on in the economy, from inflation to unemployment.
Check out the video here https://youtu.be/Q1MEIKH5D1A.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Chairman Powell and Economic Update!
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
#chairmanpowell #economics #inflation #fedrate
In this episode, Professor Joe Calhoun discusses the current state of the economy. He describes the role of the Fed Chairman and how Chairman Powell has to speak with caution, which sometimes seems like he is speaking in code. What if inflation gets to hot? What will happen to the consumer of the Fed raises rates? How will the Federal Government service the national debt if rates rise? Will a rise in rates effect pressure to raise tax rates? Check out this episode as we talk about these topics and more!

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Higher Pay Beyond Minimum Wage Coming For Servers
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
In this episode, we have Tim Ligon, Partner with SeatonHill, a national outsourced CFO company. Tim has vast experience as CFO for national restaurant franchise brands. Tim's experience is the backdrop for his recommendations on how to prepare for the rising wages and costs in the industry. Tune in for tips about restaurant management.
Tim Ligon of SeatonHill on Answers That Count with Charles Musgrove. Covering the commission model that is proving valuable to restaurants and servers.
C: Hello! I am Charles Musgrove, host of the Answers That Count podcast. Thank you for joining us for another exciting show. Do me a favor before we get started, hit the subscribe button. Hit the like button because you know you’re going to love this podcast. It’s going to be a great podcast! We have some great content coming to you today. We have Tim LIgon with Seaton Hill. Tim, welcome to the show today. T: Good afternoon, how are you? C: I’m doing great. This is going to be a good show today. We’re going to talk about accounting, financial statements, and really we’re going to bring this to real life, real world current economic conditions. We’re going to talk about the minimum wage increase that we’re seeing across many of the states in the United States. We’re going to talk about inflationary costs that these restaurants are going through and really what the options are that the restaurant owner has to manage these costs increases over the long term. So, Tim this is going to be a great show, buckle up. Before we get started, I wanted to give a special shout out to Seaton Hill. So I know that is the company you’ve partnered with and John if you could put up that I want to read just a little bit of information about Seaton Hill to give them special props for today. Seaton Hill Partners, they are the fastest growing strategic CFO service firm in the nation. Can you believe that? Tim, you joined a big firm there. For more than a decade our client’s success is our mission at Seaton Hill. Seaton Hill Partners deliver the finance and operations expertise only a team of veteran business finance executives can bring. We position our clients for sustained long term growth and success in today’s complex business environment, experience matters. You want to call them for a no cost consultation (850) 524-0211 or check them out on seatonhil.com. So, Tim, you’ve joined up with a great company there at Seaton Hill. You bring with you a great amount of restaurant experience. Now I know you weren’t in the back kitchen flipping hamburgers and making salads and doing all that stuff. You were the financial guy so you were shoulder to shoulder with the owners of these large restaurant groups so you weren’t just the accountant or bean counter for one restaurant, you were part of a large organization. So tell us a little bit about the positions and experience you’ve had working with restaurants.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Is it the End of the Tipping Model for Restaurants? Commission Model the Future?
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
#frla #answersthatcount #foodtech
The topic of how to manage the $15 minimum wage increase was the headliner at the June Board Meeting of the FRLA. Carol Dover, CEO of FRLA, kicks off the session with a reminder of the narrow margin that Amendment 2 was passed in November 2020. Now is the time for action to stop the slide down the slippery slope of regulations and cost increases.
In this session, the experts are employment attorney, Kevin Johnson, Mike Vinik with BJ's Restaurants and Chad Mackay, CEO of Fire & Vine Hospitality. Chad's group of restaurants are located in the Washington and Oregon where the push for $15 minimum wage began over 5 years ago. At that time, he implemented a commission base compensation plan for servers and bartenders while charging customers a service charge. Chad discusses the success of the plan along with the pros and cons of it.
Kevin Johnson provides an outline of the legal hurdles to classify employees as commissioned employees and the exclusion for paying overtime premium.
Mike Vinik discusses how BJ's is managing the wage increases in over 25 States. They are using a variety of tools, including technology, menu changes and product usage.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Manage the Change that is Coming in the Restaurant Industry!
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
#restaurants #minimumwage #answersthatcount #capserv360
In this episode, we highlight sections of previous podcasts featuring restaurant industry leaders. This podcast covers topics that are relevant today for owners and operators to consider and suggestions made from owners of restaurants in Florida, Washington and Oregon. Comments about the focus of technology is also included in this highlight podcast.

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
What does Inflation Really Mean?
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
#inflation #nfp #economy #indicators #answersthatcount
Answers that Count with Professor Joe Calhoun In this video Professor Joe describes what the latest economic news on inflation means to your wallet. Highest indicators in 13 years sounds like we are in the middle of high inflation and economic problems. Is this true? Professor describes the fundamentals of economics and what that means today in light of the inflation indicators. Check out the video for information that will help you understand the flood of economic data that you see in the news.

Monday Jun 07, 2021
How are Unemployment Figures Compiled?
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
#unemployment #employment #answers #answersthatcount
Join Professor Joe Calhoun and Charles on Answers That Count
Joe Calhoun: Hey, great to be with you! Always a pleasure, Charles. Awesome. Not only are you a professor, you’re an economics professor, so - and we’re going to talk about one of our favorite subjects. We’re going to talk about economics. And what - what are we looking at in the news today? So, there’s a couple of points that we’re reading about, we’re seeing, and we’re actually feeling it in our pocket books. So, let’s talk. Let’s start with the unemployment numbers. You know, there’s a lot of chatter right now every time we turn on the TV, watch the news or we read the newspaper, social media, we see where...heck, if we just go out shopping, we see where employers, retail shops, restaurants, they’re looking for employees. They’ve got ‘help wanted’ stickers posted everywhere, but yet when we look at the unemployment records that are posted by the federal government, their unemployment is still high. So, it looks like - I mean, this is kind of a contrast - we have high unemployment, but yet the demand for employees to work is high also. So, help us out with understanding that.